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Amazing light display from Mother Nature, very humbled and in awe to capture a multi-hued

The best memories I like to indulge in are: Working with my friends on game projects until midnight and enjoying every second of it. Listening to presentations on the Gamescom (especially by Jason VandenBerghe). Meeting one of the people who have worked on Bioshock Infinite and a level designer from Tomb Raider. Standing in front of a business-stall of CD Project Red who promoted GWENT's release. Entering the sacred halls of Ubisoft Düsseldorf during a university field trip. And last but not least participating in the digital summer GDC in 2020. As for many, the GDC is my holy grail, my dream is to go there one day in person. 


At Game Dev Meetups and Game Jams I feel full of energy, inspired and connected to the people around me. 


Game Development is my home. Join me on this journey! 


Dear game enthusiasts,


Welcome! This blog is dedicated to my favourite disciplines that I have gotten in touch with on my road so far, namely: Game Design, Level Design and User Experience Design. I'll share essays and analyses on my favourite titles. On top of that, I’d like to share my own projects and my thought process while working on them.

So let's dive into the rabbit hole of game design together, shall we?

But first, let me introduce myself. As for most people in the game industry, games have always been my passion. I notice this again and again. Do you know when something just feels right? This is what game development feels like for me. It was the reason I chose my course of studies. While I initially started off with studying Biology, I soon switched to Audiovisual Media (Media Engineering) and specialized myself in interactive media & games. During my studies, I attended any games event I could: Be it special lecture & presentation events, the Game Zone on the International Festival of Animated Film, attending the Gamescom, Devcom or whatsoever.


Right from the start I looked forward to any new video on “Extra Credits”. While the first few semesters were focused on basically any other discipline but game development, this made me feel connected to the world of my dreams. Then, one day, the then-member of the Extra Credits team and amazing Game Designer James Portnow visited my university. It meant so much to me to meet him in person. Ever since this picture (see below) is hanging on my wall. It is my personal, guiding northstar.

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